In-Space Physical AI Workshop Agenda


You can find our workshop schedule below. Registration is now open! More details are forthcoming, so check back often.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Registration + Tea/Coffee (8 - 8:45 AM)

Continues through the sessions until lunch.

Welcome and Introduction (8:45 - 9:AM)


Reginald DesRoches, President, Rice University

Lead: Sanjoy Paul

Inaugural Address/Keynote (9 - 9:30 AM)


Nicholas Sklytland, Chief Technologist, NASA Johnson Space Center

What’s new, what changed from last year: Advances in AI Technologies: LLM, Multimodal, Agents (9:30 - 10:45 AM)

Panel Moderator:

Sanjoy Paul - Rice University


D. Marshall Porterfield
, Professor of Biological Engineering & Space Biophysics, Purdue University
Martin Garcia, Strategist | Trusted Advisor | Innovator | Transformer
David Alexander, Director, Rice Space Institute
Anshumali Shrivastava, Rice University

Industry session 1: Startups / Commercial Vendors/ Sponsors Presentations/Demos (10:45 - 12 PM)

Lead: Phillip Callen, Axiom
Co-lead: Sanjoy Paul - Rice University


Adam Askarian
, CEO and Co-founder -
Andy Corriveau, Global Lead, Cyber & Quantum Security - Axiom Space
Martin Heyne, Head of Strategy, Intuitive Machines
James Holley, Novium Co-Founder

Poster Session and Lunch (12 - 1:30 PM)

Lead: Phillip Callen, Axiom
Co-lead: Sanjoy Paul - Rice University


Axiom Space
Intuitive Machines

Topic 1: Scientific Exploration and Discovery in Space powered by AI (1:30 - 3 PM)

Lead: D. Marshall Porterfield, PhD., Professor, Purdue University


Joseph Guarnierri, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Dorit Donoviel, Executive Director, NASA-Funded TranslationalResearch Institute for Space Health at Baylor College of Medicine
Richard Barker, Blue Marble
Som Dutta, USU
Robert J. Reynolds, (JSC-SK311) KBR Wyle Services, LLC.
Kristin Fabre, NASA HRP

Scene setter (15 mins)

Topic 2: Autonomous Maintenance and Exploration in unstructured, unknown environments enabled by Robots (3 - 4:30 PM)

Lead: Ran Dai, Associate Professor at Purdue University
Co-lead: Shaoshuai Mou, Purdue University, Shreyas Sundaram, Purdue University and Kaiyu Hang, Rice University


Takashi Tanaka
, Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at Austin
Shaoshuai Mou, Associate Professor at Purdue University
Adam Askarian, CEO and Co-founder -
Shaun Azimi - Space Robotics and Mobility Technical Leader at NASA JSC
Ran Dai, Associate Professor at Purdue University
Kaiyu Hang, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Rice University

Scene setter (15 mins)

Topic 3: Autonomous Control and Decision Making in deep space by human crew supported by AI (4:30 - 6 PM)

Lead: Vaibhav Unhelkar, Rice University
Co-lead: Shirley Dyke, Purdue University and Julia Badger, NASA

Scene setter (15 mins)


Jeremy Frank, NASA Ames, Artificial Intelligence: Powering Human Exploration to the Moon and Mars
Shirley Dyke, Purdue University, Title: A Cyberphysical Testbed for Human-Centered, Autonomous Resilient Space Habitats (HARSH)
Dave Hollaway, NASA, Title: Autonomy in Human Spaceflight: Cooperative Intent and Human Supervisory Control
Vaibhav Unhelkar, Rice University, Title: Human-Centered Explainable AI: Enabling Humans to Predict AI Decisions

WELCOME NIGHT at the ION (6:30-8:30 PM)

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Tea/Coffee (8 - 8:45 AM)

Continues through the sessions until lunch.

Fireside Chat (8:45 - 9:30 AM)

Montgomery Goforth, Assistant Director of Engineering, NASA Johnson Space Center
Norman Roy Garza, Jr., Executive Director of the Texas Space Commission

Funding: Government and Private Sponsors of PAI in Space projects (9:30 - 10:30 AM)

Lead: D. Marshall Porterfield, PhD., Professor, Purdue University


Meagan Murphy Crawford, Co-founder and Managing Partner, SpaceFund
Colin Kruse, Postdoctoral Researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dorit Donoviel, Executive Director, NASA-Funded TranslationalResearch Institute for Space Health at Baylor College of Medicine
Kris Lehnhardt,MD, Element Scientist for Exploration Medical Capability at the NASA Human Research Program
Bart Womack

Topic 4: Autonomous Management of the Health of spacecraft and of astronauts supported by AI (10:30 AM - 12 PM)

Lead: Julia Badger, NASA
Co-lead: Shirley Dyke, Purdue University

Scene setter (15 mins)


Alonso Vera, NASA AMES Research Center
David Kortenkamp, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) TRACLabs and Pride Automation Inc.
Scott Wenger, Supervisor at NASA

Lunch and Industry session 2: Startups/Commercial Vendors/ Sponsors Presentations/Posters/Demos (12 - 1:30 PM)


Axiom Space
Intuitive Machines

Topic 5: How do we know AI is doing the right thing? (1:30 - 3 PM)

Lead: Julia Badger, NASA
Co-lead: Shirley Dyke, Purdue University

Scene setter (15 mins)


Moshe Vardi, Professor of Compter Science at Rice University
Gautam Biswas, Professor of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Iowa State

Wrap up and Vote of Thanks (3:00 - 3:15 PM)

Optional Session 6 - Concrete Collaborative Projects: (3:15 - 4:15PM)

Innovation| Rice University
Purdue University